Laser Services
Be hair & care free with
Laser Hair Removal
Learn about our Laser Removal services
At Luminescence, our Quanta Evo is the best laser hair removal system on the market and it works for all skin types, even dark or tanned tones! This amazing new system allows us to offer laser hair removal that is extremely effective, safe and gives permanent results.
Our system will selectively target pigment inside the hair follicle. The laser system generates energy in the form of heat at the root of the hair, and destroys the hair without damaging the skin.
The combination of our experienced staff and our incredible technology can remove hair from all parts of the body including your face, legs, underarms, back and even sensitive areas like the nipples, bikini and chest!
What services do we offer?
Reduce the signs of aging or scars with our non-invasive treatments that are perfect for combating acne, wrinkles, pigmented spots and scars. Let us know your problem and we can help solve it today.
The Elluminate treatment is exclusive to the state-of-the art EVO series by Quanta System. Hand-crafted in Italy, the EVO device incorporates four proven & highly effective wavelengths (532nm, 755nm, 1064nm and 2940nm) on one elite machine. These wavelengths specifically target the blood, melanin, and water at various skin depths of the skin. When layered together in a 30-minute Elluminate treatment, the results are impressive.
One Elluminate treatment erases skin’s browns and reds and stimulates deeper-down collagen to reduce fine lines and improve skins texture.
No Downtime, No Discomfort
There are several design features on the EVO laser series that contribute to the comfortable experience and lack of social downtime. Most individuals do not require numbing before an Elluminate treatment, and post treatment skin may appear to be red a few days.
Are the results permanent?
With our Quanta Evo laser hair removal device, we can eliminate unwanted body hair with this fast, effective, and affordable solution for permanent results.
How many treatments will I need?
Every patient is different and we will custom tailor your laser hair removal treatments for your specific needs. Most patients can expect that most areas will need 6-8 treatment sessions. It can depend on several variables like: the area being treated, your hair density, and the hair’s growth cycle.
Does laser hair removal hurt?
Different devices and offices have unique approaches. At Luminescence, most patients experience no more than a slight stinging or pinching sensation as the laser pulses are applied. On a scale of 1-10, most patients rate it as a “2” which is described as “mild discomfort.”
Some parts of the body are more sensitive than others and a topical numbing cream is available to patients that want it. Our system includes a cool air function which will soothe the skin as it is being treated often making the numbing cream unnecessary.
What should I expect after treatment?
Immediately after your laser hair removal session, your skin may be slightly red or swollen. It may feel like a mild sunburn but this usually only lasts for a few hours.
In the days following your treatment, you may experience what you perceive to be hair growth, but don’t worry! What you’re seeing is actually the hairs shedding as a result of your treatment. Make sure not to pluck or wax the area being treated in between sessions. The medical aesthetics experts at Luminescence MedSpa will go over all the aftercare with you during your visit.